Sunday, July 06, 2014

As above, so below: I'm An Anabaptist... (Okay, let me explain)

As above, so below: I'm An Anabaptist... (Okay, let me explain): My name is Paul Walker and I am an Anabaptist.  An Ana-what?  Anabaptist. Okay, let me explain…  A History Lesson In the 16th ...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Looking Back at the Year that was

Well, It has been a year since we began this journey, and WOW. How do I put this into words? How do I explain this year in a few sentences. As I sit here and ponder what we have done this year I see how God's hand has been in it all. I think of when Jesus ask the disciples who he was and Peter answered that he was the son of God. The Jesus said to Peter "on this rock I will build my Church and the Gates of Hades will not prevail against it." I love how he tells Peter "I will build my church. This just shows me that it isn't me or anything the we try to do, but in all of it is God who builds his Church.

So here we are about to enter the second year of this church plant in Martensville. We are excited, I have never been more excited about ministry in my life. Someone once told me that Church planting is a lonely,and hard road to walk down. I can't lie there are times of uncertainty, times where I ask myself is this what God wants us to do. But those are out weighted by those times where God confirms that we are suppose to be here, and the joy that goes along with that. We have met many new friends and those friendship have been developed over some of the funniest times. (games night, wing night, ufc)

Here is a thought for you.....
There has been a question that I have been wrestling with lately. It hit me last week as I was helping at Horizon bible college and getting the dorms ready for the new bible school students. When was the last time you made a friend? a real friend? and I thought, what a question? How often do we put ourselves out there? and make ourselves vulnerable enough to let someone in. So my question is, Are you willing to make yourself vunerable?

Love your neighbor as your self

Ken Bodvarson
Life Church

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The New Year

Things have been going good here in Martensville, we are settling in and getting to know the community a little better.
We have been getting involved in different community events just to get to know people. Kelly-Anne and I have been
coaching soccer on Tuesday nights, we are also volunteering at the Martensville winterfest and possibly other community things.
Another thing is that Kelly-Anne has started her nail business out in here and has some clients all ready.

The wednesday night bible studies have been going great we have almost made it through a bible study called the Tangible Kingdom. This bible study has been exciting and challenged us to be relational with those around us, to build friendships and be real in who we are. On the 10th we are having the wrap up to our bible study with a wing night at the Sports Page, it should be fun.

We have been throwing the idea around of Starting a Sunday morning service. A few people have been asking when are going to start this and have expressed interest in coming out to a sunday morning service. The interesting part of this is that it's not people from our wednesday night bible study but people we know from the community. We are hoping to start a pre-Launch service Feb 28 and then try it for the month of March. After the March we will evaluate it and see we are after that. I have a opportunity to hold our services at the New Horizon Centre (seniors drop in center) with a minimal charge. I think having it a place other than our house makes it easier for new comers to check it out. We do have some things we might need to have a service, just the basic things. It would be nice to have a projector or even borrow one. We don't need a sound system at this time but a electric piano would be nice. Some sunday school material would be good as well. So if you could pray about this that God will meet these needs.

We are excited to see what God has in store for us in this new year.
Thanks for all your prayers
God Bless

Ken Bodvarson
Life Community Church
Martensville Sask

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

The Journey Thus far

Life Community Church: November through December

These past two months have been an interesting journey of God opening doors and providing opportunities with people in Martensville. One of our first observations was that many women were at home without any kind of interactive community within the city. We right away noticed the need and decided to approach this problem head on. We have been proactive in trying to reach out to the women in the area to have coffee dates and suppers out to reduce the amount of loneliness and depression some of these women were facing. For an example Kelly-Anne has been able to reach out to mothers in Emma’s school where are always new students, and the mothers come into the school very sheepishly, by right away knowing they are new and approach them with basic dialogue she has been able to make great connections with people who were searching for a friend.

As of November 4th Life community Church meets regularly at our house. During this time we gather for a time of fellowship, worship, prayer & biblical discussion, and course food. Each week this gathering has grown larger and people are becoming more faithful in committing themselves to the vision of the church. This is the time where we are preparing the foundation for the future of Life church in Martensville.

From November 17- 19 we were blessed to attend the church planting congress in Calgary. This was a great time for us to talk to people and learn from people strategies of church planting. There was lots of discussion about the church being missional in the community and looking outside the “church box”. There was also a focus on meeting a need within the community where they are at, rather then waiting for them to come to the church. This provides people with an understanding of what you as a believer of Christ is about relationally, and then community can know the church in a different light. By this the church becomes more proactive in the community rather than reactive. We really enjoying the plethora of knowledge and even friendships that we developed there. This congress really enforced in us not to rush the process of planting, but to let it happen naturally. through being active in the community and simply being around, we have met people who are curious and interested in Life Church.

In recent weeks we have really had a need for Nathan to have a vehicle. Nathan has caught our vision of the church plant and has devoted much time and energy to this. Nathan did not have a car so for him to get to and from was a difficult event, but we prayed about this and God provided a vehicle for free for the church to have. What a blessing. God totally has provided along the way. God has also given us divine appointments so often. Just the other day Kenny and I sat down in a chinese restaurant on 20th street, and this man decided to sit right beside us to eat. We got talking with him and it ends up he owns the development company in Martensville which has built the majority of new houses and building in the city. He discussed many ideas of church locations and structures that could be erected. He was very excited about our journey, and we exchanged cards and pray that the seed that has been planted will grow in its own special time.

Everyday we are excited and encouraged about new possibilities an opportunities that open up to us in Martensville. Thanks for catching a glimpse of our vision and supporting us through this journey.

Ken and Kelly-Anne Bodvarson

Sunday, November 08, 2009

The New Journey

Well here we are,
In Martensville Saskatchewan, Why? To do God's will and start new Church in this brand new city. Wow what a calling, what a journey that we are now setting out on. God has given me and my wife Kelly-Anne a vision for this City. That there will be a fresh out pouring of God in this community and we are excited.

This past week we had our first Bible study and wow it was amazing, there was only four of us that came together to pray and to seek what God wants for Life Community Church here in Martensville. God gave us Isaiah 44

Isaiah 44
1 "But now listen, O Jacob, my servant,
Israel, whom I have chosen.
2 This is what the LORD says—
he who made you, who formed you in the womb,
and who will help you:
Do not be afraid, O Jacob, my servant,
Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.
3 For I will pour water on the thirsty land,
and streams on the dry ground;
I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring,
and my blessing on your descendants.
4 They will spring up like grass in a meadow,
like poplar trees by flowing streams.
5 One will say, 'I belong to the LORD ';
another will call himself by the name of Jacob;
still another will write on his hand, 'The LORD's,'
and will take the name Israel.

The Land is thirsty and dry and God wants to send his refreshing waters. From that water comes Life. Our lives of suppose to be lived with passion and purpose.

If you want to join us for a time of Refreshing worship, word, and prayer we meet every Wednesday at my house just give me an email and I will give you directions to my house